2015 inventory shows progress on climate goals despite economic and population growth
The City of Boulder achieved a 5.2 percent reduction in community greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2015 as compared to a 2005 baseline, according to an analysis of the most recently available data. This progress occurred during a time of economic and population growth in the city, magnifying the reductions even more.
These are the conclusions of Boulder’s current GHG inventory, which was made public on Thursday, March 16, in an Information Packet to City Council. The city has published inventory reports since 2005 as a way of measuring progress of emission reductions initiatives funded by the Climate Action Plan tax. These inventories are often a couple of years behind based on when complete data becomes available.
This inventory follows a new protocol in keeping with the 2015 Compact of Mayors, a worldwide effort to highlight the leadership of cities in addressing climate change and demonstrating the collective impact of city efforts. One of the requirements of the compact is the completion of a GHG inventory that complies with the Global Protocol for Community-Scale GHG Emissions (GPC). The 2015 GHG inventory was completed based on these guidelines.
Continue reading at bouldercolorado.gov.
Photo: Mark Stevens/Flickr