Available Now: Summary of Scope 2 Proposals
Over the last few months, the GHG Protocol Secretariat spoke with 70 organizations who submitted a scope 2 proposal to discuss each proposal’s objective, feasibility of implementation, accessibility, and any evidence or research that supports the proposed update. Following these conversations, GHG Protocol has now released the Scope 2 Proposal Summary Report, which accompanies the Scope 2 Survey Final Summary Report published earlier in 2023. The proposal summary categorizes the possible reporting structures and suggested changes that were commonly presented by stakeholders. It also puts forth suggested starting points for Scope 2 Technical Working Group discussions in early 2024. The survey and proposal summaries will help inform the development of the workplan for scope 2 updates, which will be formalized with the new GHG Protocol governance bodies next year.
Seeking Feedback: Corporate Standard Survey Draft Summary Report
Between November 2022 and March 2023, GHG Protocol invited interested stakeholders to provide feedback via a survey on the Corporate Standard and received 375 responses. The Corporate Standard Survey Draft Summary Report provides a detailed overview of this stakeholder feedback, which we encourage all interested stakeholders to read. To ensure that we are accurately representing survey feedback, GHG Protocol is holding a review period to invite comments only from individuals/organizations who completed the Corporate Standard Survey who believe their feedback was either not adequately included or misrepresented. If you, or your organization, completed the Corporate Standard Survey, we invite you to review the Draft Summary Report to ensure your feedback is represented accurately.
Please note: the email announcement on 12/06 did not contain the correct link to the form to submit feedback. Here is the correct link. Submissions are due Wednesday, January 24, 2024.
Governance Restructure Update and Nominations Reminder
GHG Protocol announced its new governance structure in November 2023, which includes forming a new Steering Committee and Independent Standard Board. GHG Protocol is seeking applications for participation in both governance bodies. The Steering Committee will provide strategic guidance on the goals and direction of the GHG Protocol and approve GHG Protocol’s mission, vision, strategy and rules of procedure. The Independent Standards Board (ISB) will oversee the standards development process, and ultimately approve final standards and guidance. GHG Protocol is also seeking applications for Technical Working Groups which will be convened on specific topics to develop the technical content of the updates to the corporate suite of standards. More information, including instructions on how to apply, can be found here. Interested stakeholders may apply to more than one committee but will be selected to no more than one. Applications are due by January 15, 2024.
Global Protocol for Cities Survey Deadline Extension: Feedback Due 12/31
GHG Protocol is seeking stakeholder input to understand the need, scope, and potential approaches to inform updates or additional guidance related to the Global Protocol for Community-scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories, also known as the Global Protocol for Cities or GPC. Please refer to the survey process memo for more information about the survey purpose, process, and timeline. The survey is available in English, Spanish/Español and Portuguese/Português. In addition to providing survey responses, stakeholders may submit one or more proposal(s) for updates to the GPC or for additional guidance. The proposal template can be downloaded here, and completed proposals can be submitted here. Please submit all feedback by December 31.
Recently Published: Inventory and Project Accounting Memo
GHG Protocol published a memo highlighting definitions of inventory and project accounting frameworks from GHG Protocol standards and guidance documents. The memo comes amid renewed interest in various GHG accounting approaches raised during the open stakeholder feedback process begun in early 2023 and is designed to point readers to source material for further engagement and exploration.
Recently Published: Market-based Accounting Approaches Status Update
As part of the standards update process, GHG Protocol will examine how organizations account for and report efforts to mitigate their climate impacts, including the roles of market-based accounting approaches and/or project accounting methods (i.e., quantification of reduced or avoided emissions compared to a baseline scenario, building on existing standards and guidance). GHG Protocol plans to provide guidance addressing the role of such methods in GHG emissions reporting and/or target setting. Guidance is expected to highlight the role of programs and policymakers in defining target setting and programmatic rules, for example, related to eligibility of market instruments. Read the full status update.
Land Sector and Removals Guidance: Status Update
From June to November 2023, the Technical Working Group and other stakeholders (TWG+) discussed 42 key issues during 19 subgroup meetings and a 4-day in-person revision workshop. The 142 TWG+ participants and Secretariat developed proposals for the 42 issues and reached a resolution on 88 percent of the issues. In October 2023, the Secretariat refined the proposals on the resolved and unresolved issues and presented them to the TWG+ in a call on November 16th for final inputs, before discussing with the Advisory Committee in January. The GHG Protocol is aiming to publish the Guidance in late 2024.
Director Pankaj Bhatia Provides Keynote Address at Eurogas "Let's Meet"
Eurogas’s online event focused on the question of how to address market-based instruments and emissions reporting when using biomethane and other renewable gases. GHG Protocol Director Pankaj Bhatia provided the keynote address, followed by a panel discussion. Watch the event recording.
GHG Protocol's Matt Ramlow Featured in Value Change Initiative Webinar
Matt Ramlow, a Senior Associate on the Land Sector and Removals team, participated in the launch webinar for the Value Change Initiative’s new Food and Agriculture Technical Guidance. In the session, Matt shared his ideas on how this new technical guidance can help food and agriculture companies account for emissions in their value chains.
GHG Protocol's Wee Kean Fong Presents at BSI Global ESG Workshop
Wee Kean Fong, Director, Asia-Pacific Engagement, participated in a training session jointly organized by the Korean Ministry of Environment, Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute (KEITI), and BSI Group Korea. Fong presented on the scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG accounting standards and guidance, as well as on understanding GHG emissions calculation best practices.
Welcoming New Staff to the GHG Protocol Team
Please join us in welcoming our new additions to the GHG Protocol secretariat:
- Oliver James, Land Sector Associate, works to inform and support the multi-stakeholder, standard-setting process for accounting and reporting of GHG emissions and removals from land-based activities.
- Fui Yee Ng, Stakeholder Engagement and Project Coordinator, supports GHG Protocol with the new standards update process and is actively engaging and managing multiple key stakeholder groups across the workstreams.
- David Short, Senior Manager, Market-based Accounting, leads the market-based accounting workstream contributing to standards and engagement at Greenhouse Gas Protocol.
Seeking Applicants for Open Positions
The GHG Protocol secretariat is looking for experienced individuals to join our team. Full position descriptions and application information can be found here:
If you any have questions, please contact us here. If you'd like to receive GHG Protocol's newsletter and other updates via email, please subscribe here.