June 5, 2023
Standards Update Process: Where We Are Now
The GHG Protocol secretariat is now in the process of reviewing and analyzing the survey submissions and proposals and developing specific workplans for each survey workstream (Corporate Standard, Scope 2, Scope 3, and market-based accounting). The GHG Protocol has a two-year timeline for its standards update process.
The official start of this process will be informed by planned restructuring of GHG Protocol’s governance. In sync with the initial governance set-up, GHG Protocol expects to release drafts of revised text in 2024 and final standards/guidance in 2025. Learn more about the standards updates process.
Built on GHG Protocol Review Service Update
While the GHG Protocol secretariat continues to determine a long-term strategy and approach for the Built on GHG Protocol review service, in the short term we have narrowed the focus of the service. Applications will be selected for review based upon the following eligibility criteria:
- The application is for a sector guidance document (this does not include calculation tools, platforms, or software),
- The sector guidance is in conformance with existing GHG Protocol standards and guidance,
- The sector guidance is provided to users for free,
- The sector guidance is not directly associated with the sale of products or services other than those related to GHG accounting, reporting, target setting, management, and related activities.
GHG Protocol will be reaching out separately to all those who have already submitted an application or expressed interest in the process. Learn more about the review service process.
eLearning FAQ Webpage and Contact Form Live Now
GHG Protocol recently launched a new Learning Management System (LMS), which provides greater functionality for e-learning course purchasers and learners. To address commonly asked questions about the new LMS, as well as questions about accessing courses, learner discounts, and troubleshooting, GHG Protocol has created a new eLearning FAQ page. The eLearning FAQ will be an evolving resource as GHG Protocol receives new inquiries. If you have any questions that the FAQ does not address, you can submit your query through the new eLearning contact form.
PACT Scope 3 Session Featuring Pankaj Bhatia: Recording Now Available
This month World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) hosted the webinar series “PACT Scope 3 Days: Tackling Carbon Transparency to Unlock Decarbonization.” GHG Protocol Director Pankaj Bhatia presented on the first of three sessions aimed at discussing challenges and opportunities related to accelerating Scope 3 decarbonization. Recordings of the three sessions can be found here:
- Session One - “Where Are We on the Road to Scope 3 Decarbonization?”
- Session Two - “Managing the ‘Insurmountable’ Challenge”
- Session Three - “Implementing Solutions to Tackle the Data Question”
Pankaj Bhatia Selected for Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Technical Committee
The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is currently updating its climate change-related Topic Standards, and selected Pankaj Bhatia to serve as a member of the Technical Committee, which will develop the draft recommendations to the Global Sustainable Standards Board (GSSB). The goal of GRI’s updates process is to align with recent developments and relevant authoritative intergovernmental instruments in the field of climate change, and the process includes revising GRI 302: Energy 2016, GRI 305: Emissions 2016 and GRI 201: Economic Performance 2016.
GHG Protocol at OECD Global Forum on Agriculture
Last month Pankaj Bhatia presented at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Global Forum on Agriculture. Pankaj discussed GHG Protocol’s draft Land Sector and Removals Guidance in a session on carbon footprints for agriculture systems. The session addressed key questions including how to ensure that methods for carbon footprint measurement are both science-based and considered legitimate and how is information about the environmental impact of products communicated along the value chain, from farmers to consumers.
Welcoming New Staff to the GHG Protocol Team
Please join us in welcoming our new additions to the GHG Protocol secretariat:
- Alejandra Bosch, Land Sector Associate, supports the development and implementation of the GHG Protocol Land Sector and Removals Guidance.
- Hannah Momblanco, Climate Policy Intern, supports the GHG Protocol revisions process through research on international regulations, policies and programs to find potential areas of harmonization and alignment with the GHG Protocol.
- Ami Kinoshita, Climate Accounting & Standards Intern, supports the GHG Protocol revisions process.
- Christine Pascual, Learning Program Lead, manages the eLearning program of the GHG Protocol and ensures a positive learning experience for organizations and individuals.
Seeking Applicants for Open Positions
The GHG Protocol Secretariat is looking for experienced individuals to join our team. Full position descriptions and application information can be found here:
If you any have questions, please contact us here. If you'd like to receive GHG Protocol's newsletter and other updates via email, please subscribe here.