GHG Protocol Multi-Stakeholder Governance Process Update
As announced in November 2023, GHG Protocol is refining its governance model to meet the needs of a rapidly changing GHG accounting and reporting landscape. As voluntary and regulatory programs continue to integrate GHG Protocol’s standards and guidance, we’ve recognized the need to update our governance model to maintain transparency and accountability to our stakeholders. GHG Protocol is in the process of establishing two new governance bodies: a Steering Committee and Independent Standards Board and is also finalizing the composition of four Technical Working Groups for the process to update the corporate suite of standards. More information about the bodies can be found here. A public announcement of the full slate of Technical Working Group, Independent Standards Board and Steering Committee members, along with the applicable Terms of Reference for each body, will be made next month.
Built on GHG Protocol Review Service Update
As of August 13, 2024, the Built on GHG Protocol review service is officially closed. We will no longer be accepting applications under the current review service. This is necessary to better align our supporting services to the needs of users of GHG Protocol standards and guidance. We’re confident our new strategy will allow us to be better positioned in the ecosystem to support the required emissions reductions in alignment with climate science and 1.5°C targets.
Questions About Scope 2? Check Out Our Learning Materials
If you have questions about accounting for corporate emissions from purchased energy, we encourage you to explore our learning materials on GHG Protocol’s Scope 2 Guidance. GHG Protocol offers a Scope 2 Recorded Webinar, which covers the reporting requirements and provides practical examples on how to calculate emissions based on different contractual instruments in different countries. The recorded webinar is free to access here, or you can register here for $30 to receive a certificate of completion. GHG Protocol also published a scope 2 resource listing the answers to 14 frequently asked questions about the guidance.
Register Now: GHG Protocol at Emissions Accounting to Accelerate Decarbonization Conference
GHG Protocol’s Michael Macrae, Director of Scope 2, will be speaking at NYU’s Emissions Accounting to Accelerate Decarbonization Conference on Tuesday, September 24. The conference is hosted by the Institute for Policy Integrity at NYU Law and the Tandon School of Engineering’s Sustainable Engineering Initiative and will explore best practices for measuring the clean energy content or carbon dioxide emissions linked to a particular unit of electricity consumption. The conference is free to attend and has both in-person and virtual registration options. Register for the conference here.
Register Now: GHG Protocol at Net Zero Value Chains NY Climate Week Event
GHG Protocol Director, Pankaj Bhatia, will be participating in the Value Change Initiative’s Net Zero Value Chains event on Wednesday, September 25. Pankaj will be a speaker in the panel session “The future of Scope 3: the role of value chain interventions and EACs with upcoming standards and regulatory changes.” The panelists will discuss strategies for improving data transparency, regulatory compliance, and uniformity in climate reporting across industries. There is currently a wait list for in-person attendance, but online attendance is free and available. Register for the event here.
New WRI Technical Perspective: Separating National Targets for Emissions and Removals
One of the key topics addressed in GHG Protocol's upcoming Land Sector and Removals standard and guidance is separate accounting and reporting of GHG emissions and removals. Separate from GHG Protocol, World Resources Institute published a new technical perspective on how countries should set separate climate targets for emissions and removals to ensure that emissions reductions and removals each play a unique role in meeting global climate targets and that carbon removal doesn't detract from efforts to reduce emissions.
Welcoming New Staff to the GHG Protocol Team
Please join us in welcoming our new addition to the GHG Protocol Secretariat:
- Claire Hegemann, Scope 3 Associate
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