Inaugural Chair & Vice Chair of New Steering Committee
The GHG Protocol Secretariat is pleased to announce the inaugural Chair and Vice-Chair of its newly established Steering Committee: Geraldine Matchett will serve as Chair and Ovais Sarmad will serve as Vice-Chair. Read the full announcement to learn more about Geraldine Matchett and Ovais Sarmad and read the welcome statements from Peter Bakker, WBCSD President; Ani Dasgupta, WRI President and CEO; and Pankaj Bhatia, Global Director of Greenhouse Gas Protocol.
New Official Partnership between GHG Protocol and IFRS Foundation
Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol) and the IFRS Foundation have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to guide future work and collaboration between GHG Protocol and the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB). GHG Protocol is committed to collaborating more formally with key stakeholders in the GHG emissions accounting ecosystem through partnerships like this one, with the aim of supporting its users in navigating more efficiently and ensuring greater alignment and inter-operability in the broader ecosystem. Read the full announcement to learn more about GHG Protocol’s MOU with the IFRS Foundation.
Scope 3 Standard Survey Final Summary Report and Proposal Summary
In March 2024, GHG Protocol released a draft version of the Scope 3 Survey Draft Summary Report and Proposal Summary and held a review period to invite comments from individuals/organizations who completed the survey. The GHG Protocol Secretariat reviewed all comments submitted during the review period and is now releasing the Scope 3 Survey Final Summary Report and Proposal Summary.
Land Sector and Removals: Workstream Update
GHG Protocol’s Land Sector and Removals team is nearing the completion of the standard development process and is excited to announce that the Land Sector and Removals Standard and accompanying guidance will be finalized in 2024 and publicly released in Quarter 1 2025. In response to stakeholder feedback, the Secretariat has decided to develop both a concise Standard and a more comprehensive Guidance. To learn more about the revision process, read our recent blog post.
GHG Accounting Explainer: Mandarin Translation
WRI China has released a Mandarin translation of the article What Are Greenhouse Gas Accounting and Corporate Climate Disclosures? 6 Questions, Answered. Through this blog readers can learn about key concepts of the rapidly evolving field of greenhouse gas accounting. The Mandarin translation can be accessed here.
Welcoming New Staff to the GHG Protocol Team
Please join us in welcoming our new addition to the GHG Protocol Secretariat:
- Allison Leach, Corporate Standard Associate, supports the process to update the existing Corporate Standard and to develop new guidance.
Seeking Applicants for Open Positions
The GHG Protocol Secretariat is looking for an experienced individual to join our team. Full position description and application information can be found here: