Suite of Corporate Standards Technical Working Group Update
The Technical Working Groups dedicated to updating GHG Protocol’s suite of corporate standards held their inaugural meeting on September 30, 2024. This meeting served as orientation across the four Technical Working Groups. Each of the four Technical Working Groups then held workstream specific meetings throughout October. Technical Working Group responsibilities include developing proposals and providing recommendations and feedback on key issues in the standards updates process. Technical Working Group meeting minutes can be found in GHG Protocol’s Standards Development and Governance Repository. Technical Working Group membership and Terms of Reference can be found here.
GHG Protocol Steering Committee Update
GHG Protocol’s Steering Committee held its inaugural meeting on September 24, 2024 and will be meeting quarterly moving forward. The Steering Committee’s responsibilities include providing strategic guidance on the goals and direction of GHG Protocol and ratifying decisions made by the Independent Standards Board. Steering Committee meeting minutes can be found in GHG Protocol’s Standards Development and Governance Repository. Steering Committee membership and Terms of Reference can be found here.
Updated Resource: Overview of GHG Protocol Integration in Regulatory Climate Disclosure Rules
A key goal of GHG Protocol’s process to update the corporate suite of standards is to align with major disclosure initiatives under development. In the past two years there have been significant developments in emerging climate disclosure mandates around the world. In March 2024, GHG Protocol released a resource providing an overview of four climate-related disclosure rules that integrate GHG Protocol standards and guidance. GHG Protocol is now releasing an updated version of this resource, which incorporates feedback from consultation with our ecosystem partners.
Questions about the Corporate Standard? Check Out Our Learning Materials
Do you have questions about preparing your organization's GHG emissions inventory? We encourage you to explore our learning materials on GHG Protocol's Corporate Standard:
- Corporate Standard Training Webinar, a free-to-access webinar is the perfect entry-point for corporate greenhouse gas emissions accounting. It covers GHG accounting and reporting principles, identifying and calculating GHG emissions, and more.
- Corporate Standard Frequently Asked Questions, a list of answers to 19 frequently asked questions about the standard
GHG Protocol at the Carbon Accounting in Agricultural Supply Chains Summit
GHG Protocol's Matt Ramlow and Oliver James will be speaking at the Carbon Accounting in Agricultural Supply Chains Summit in Chicago, IL on November 12. Their workshop "Assessing Progress for Meeting Carbon Reduction Targets to Prepare for New GHG Protocol Guidance" will discuss the practical aspects of applying the final GHG Protocol Land Sector & Removal Standard within agricultural operations. More details about the Summit program can be found here.
Event Recording: Reporting Emissions in Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) Applications
GHG Protocol’s Amir Safaei participated in CO2 Value Europe’s session on reporting emissions in CCU applications as a part of the CO2 Value Days. The event recording can be viewed here.
If you any have questions, please contact us here. If you'd like to receive GHG Protocol's newsletter and other updates via email, please subscribe here.