Final Summary of Corporate Standard Feedback Now Available
Between November 2022 and March 2023, GHG Protocol invited interested stakeholders to provide feedback via four surveys on the Corporate Standard, the Scope 2 Guidance, the Scope 3 Standard, and market-based accounting approaches.
In December 2023, GHG Protocol released a draft version of the Corporate Standard Survey Summary and held a review period to invite comments from individuals/organizations who completed the survey. The GHG Protocol Secretariat reviewed all comments submitted during the review period and is now releasing the Corporate Standard Survey Final Summary Report.

In addition to receiving 375 responses to the Corporate Standard survey, GHG Protocol received over 40 proposals related to the Corporate Standard. All shared proposals can be viewed here. In tandem with the Survey Final Summary Report, GHG Protocol is releasing the corresponding Corporate Standard Final Proposal Summary.

These materials build on the “Topline Findings from Corporate Standard and Scope 3 Surveys” webinar by providing a more comprehensive and detailed summary of responses.
Next Steps in the Standards Updates Process
The Corporate Standard Survey Final Survey Report and Final Proposal Summary will support the development of specific work plans and inform discussions on updates to the Corporate Standard and related GHG Protocol standards. In addition, the GHG Protocol Secretariat will continue to solicit new information and review relevant new research studies related to the Corporate Standard as they become available throughout the update process.
In November 2023, Greenhouse Gas Protocol launched a new governance structure, which includes a Steering Committee, an Independent Standards Board and multiple Technical Working Groups. Applications closed at the end of January, and we received over 1,650 applications across the Steering Committee, Independent Standards Board and Technical Working Groups. You can learn more about the role of each body here.
GHG Protocol is now working to conduct an expeditious review of the applications and anticipates convening Technical Working Groups in mid-2024, following public announcements of Steering Committee and Independent Standards Board members.
All information about the standards update process will be shared with subscribers of our newsletter via email. If you’d like to receive email updates, please subscribe to the GHG Protocol newsletter here.