In partnership with China Electricity Council (CEC), WRI developed a greenhouse gas (GHG) calculation tool for Chinese coal-fired power plants. Coal-fired power plants are responsible for over 45% of total fuel-combustion CO2 emissions in China.
The tool supports a detailed GHG inventory and enables informed management of GHG emissions from China’s carbon-intensive power sector, while accounting for the differing aspects of power plants that directly affect plant emissions. It is part of the measurement infrastructure required for the effective design, adoption and implementation of corporate GHG reduction strategies. It will also inform the design of government policies (e.g., cap and trade systems) aimed at monitoring and reducing emissions from power generation.
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Methodologies and Development Approach
The tool is built on the GHG statistical methodology for coal-fired power plants which was developed by CEC in partnership with WRI and is currently being standardized. It is also based on robust research on coal quality and an international review of the best practice for quantifying the CO2 emissions from power plant stationary combustion. The consultative approach, as well as robust research applied throughout the development process of the tool, ensure that the tool best utilizes the existing Chinese data infrastructure of power sector statistics while remaining in line with global best practices in GHG accounting. The tool, for example, uses the basic GHG quantification theory and model (activity data*emissions factor) and provides multiple detailed quantification methods.
What can be obtained by using the tool?
Key functionalities of the tool include:
- Quantifying CO2 emissions from both the stationary combustion of coal as well as the desulfurization process, the dominant sources of GHG emissions for coal-fired power plants
- Allowing use of data that reflect plant specifics, such as heat loss, coal fixed carbon content, etc.
- Allocating CO2 emissions among power generation and heat supply, if the plant is combined heat and power (CHP) plant
- Calculating emissions performance indicators, such as ton of CO2 per kWh
- Enabling peer comparison to identify gaps
What are the key features of the tool?
Key features of the tool include:
- Calculation formulas that underpin an emerging industrial standard
- Excel-based and user-friendly
- Minimal data collection burden, since the tool only requires a power plant’s existing statistics as input data
- Generation-unit-level calculations and indicators
- Ability to apply generation-unit-level or plant-level operational parameters, achieving a more accurate GHG inventory, which reflects the specification of each power plant
- Multiple calculation methods to choose among based on input data availability
- Embedded with default emissions factors for different coal types
- Embedded with emissions performance data of peers in the USA